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My Projects

Internship Projects

Microsoft Identity Manager (MIM) Automation Project

Cone Health, Greensboro, NC

August 2016 - May 2017

Position Held: Project lead

Problem Statement: Because of the massive amount of tickets sent in to Cone Health's security and access staff, the manpower needed to resolve other pressing issues was spread extremely thin.

Project Description: As a member of the security and access management team with more freedom in his activities, I was granted permission to helm the MIM Automation Project. This project involved analyzing employees already granted access to various file shares and applications, investigating aspects such as said employees' department codes, job codes, supervisor statuses, managers, etc., and then creating automated criteria for each file share or application revolving around those aspects. Override groups were created for exceptions (interns, supervisors, etc.).

Major Achievement: As a result of this project, employee permissions were automated at every stage of an employee's time with Cone Health (hiring, transferring, termination). Because of this, tickets from managers requiring access for their workers decreased immensely. This freed up time for the security and access management staff to focus on other pressing issues while still allowing employees at all levels to automatically gain required access.

Alamance Regional Medical Center (ARMC) EPIC EMR Transition and Go-Live

Cone Health, Greensboro, NC

February 2016 - May 2016

Position Held: Trainer

Problem Statement: At the time of the project, ARMC was Cone Health's most recent acquisition. It was the largest hospital in Alamance County, NC, and there were plenty of clinics associated with ARMC as well. However, ARMC was not on the same EMR software, EPIC, as Cone Health, and needed to change over to unify medical records across the entire Cone Health system. Changing to the EPIC EMR, however, meant that hospital staff at ARMC who had worked with their previous software for years needed retraining in order to not cause extreme problems in the transition.

Project Description: As part of my senior capstone project at UNCG, I was brought into Cone Health to learn the ADT/Grand Central component of EPIC under the guidance of an Instructional Designer (I.D.) who had worked with EPIC for years. Once I learned the software, I would become credentialed in my component and train hospital staff at ARMC to use the software. Once my students had gained a relatively good grasp of EPIC from the classroom session, I communicated with my I.D. and the access staff to have my students be given access to their required EPIC permissions. In addition, I was to create and update classroom documentation, create and update specific tools in the training environments for trainers to use in their classroom lessons, report to higher officials within Cone Health on classroom progress and any problems that arose, and provide two weeks of Go-Live support at the end of the project to ensure hospital staff were comfortable with the new software.

Major Achievement: Performing my above duties, I was able to work with the other trainers to get ARMC onto EPIC with minimal disruptions to staff workflows. With their EMR now unified with the rest of Cone Health, ARMC could efficiently do its job alongside other Cone Health hospitals and clinics.

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