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My Extracurricular Activities

University Clubs

UNCG Cyber Security Club

The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC

August 2016 - May 2017

Position Held: Vice President

Description: As a member and officer of the UNCG Cyber Security Club, I met weekly with fellow students to engage in activities meant to learn new technical skills which can be applied to a security setting. Topics include packet sniffing with Wireshark, analyzing network traffic, cryptography and stegonography, Git repositories, DDoS attacks, SQL injection, femtocell phone cloning, and more.

Position Duties: Vice President duties involved, but were not limited to, facilitating discussions in absence of the President, scheduling meetings with guest speakers and military offensive security recruiters, attending Student Government Association hearings on behalf of the club, working with the Treasurer to facilitate funds for events, etc.

Honor Societies

Upsilion Pi Epsilon (UPE) Honor Society

The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC

2017 - Present

Position Held: Member

Description: Accepted into UPE for academic achievement in the computing and information sciences.

Beta Gamma Sigma (BGS) Honor Society

The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC

2016 - Present

Position Held: Member

Description: Accepted into BGS for academic achievement in the study and practice of business operations.

National Society of Leadership and Success

The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC

2015 - Present

Position Held: Member

Description: Accepted for academic achievement, community service, and leadership abilities.

Other Activities

codeLinc 2015

Lincoln Financial Group, Greensboro, NC


Position Held: Competitor

Description: Worked alongside a partner in a competition held by Lincoln Financial Group (LFG). The purpose of LFG's competition was to design and code a test application for a local charity (Out of the Garden Project) that would help streamline food distribution to needy individuals and families.